Tag Archives: Michael Phelps

Golden Goggles and vampires.

Here are the winners, I guess.

I was freezing for two hours waiting for a ride while this all happened so yeah.

Breakout Performer of the Year
Coach of the Year
Perseverance Award
Relay Performance of the Year
Female Performance of the Year
Male Performance of the Year
Male Athlete of the Year
Female Athlete of the Year

 Natalie Coughlin, yay!

So, I finished the Twilight series and I must say I was completely horrified by the last book. Just stop reading if you don’t want to know.

First of all, I NEVER want to be pregnant. ever. I don’t care if normal babies don’t crack spines and ribs and make you throw up all the blood you had to drink. I just don’t even want any creature inside of me. Ew, and it had to be delivered via Edward tearing away at her uterus. Tearing away with his teeth, which provided some lovely imagery. And who would have thought vampires could knock up humans.

Also, it just moved so quickly. In the first book she was a junior in high school, then all of a sudden she’s married, popping out a demon child, and gets turned into a vampire. And through the whole thing she is acting like a 40 year old. And then it made me sad thinking about my life. I’m just not prepared for marriage let alone children. I shudder at the idea. Just too much for me to handle.

And I was also depressed by this weird “love” thing going on. It basically made it seem like “Hey, whoever you fall in love with isn’t going to be half as good as this love so that’s too damn bad for you because vampires don’t exist.”  … Maybe I’m just overreacting, but really, must she make it sooo suicidal sounding? What an unhealthy relationship, but its still going “hey this is the best thing in the world. Go find someone you want to go jump off a cliff for.”

So melodramatic. Quite an unhealthy read for teen girls.


Its already getting bad reviews, and I could not be less surprised or more excited. I’m seeing on Sunday and will completely enjoy every shallow word spoken by those lost, lost souls. A dark room with a big screen and Rob’s face. Life will be perfect. I kind of feel bad for him because he seems like he really wants to be a serious actor. Hopefully he gets some substantial movies coming his way. Poor things is surrounded by delusional girls who are crying at his feet. God, I would be so embarrassed if I just started to cry in front of him. I’m not going to lie, there would be a good chance I might, but I would definitely make fun of myself later. I would probably just stare like I did at the So You Think You Can Dance tour. Its horrible how I couldn’t even get a “Hi” out to Pasha or Neil. Just stared. They aren’t even famous. Maybe I would cry, then.

its been a while

So I was on myspace today and someone posted this–

“Because of pyhscological changes in certain hormone producing metabolic pathways during aerobic and anerobic exercise, swimmers are the most sexually active athletes.
” Time Magazine


I don’t find that to be shocking at all, actually. Some of them look like quite the sex addicts. And if the Olympic Village is full of sex, the swimmers are quite the busy ones.

But enough of that pervertedness.

In Ryan Lochte not-so-much news, I am pretty sure my Spanish teacher met him and yeah, extremely jealous. She said he was a nice boy (who probably fits in with that little Time Magazine but perfectly). That’s nice.

Michael Phelps was on THE VIEW. Click here for thattt. Why are there two women there? Is this normal? Barbara Walters we know what you meant with the big feet emphasis. Boring interview though.

Also, I MISS AMY POEHLER, YOU GUYS! I miss her. At least she went out with a Sarah Paliney bang.

Um, Nick and Norah was pretty adorable. I don’t want Michael Cera having sex though. He’s not a swimmer.

I’m also want to see Twilight because I am kind of getting on the Robert Pattinson bandwagon.

Its the jaw.

And oh! He was CEDRIC DIGGORY! Who knew.

Am moving on. Gossip Girl! I need to do this fast. I have to research Obama in Spanish for my debate tomorrow. Anyway best episode ever.

I love Jenny, but hate Jenny, but love her. I love her new clothes, hate her orange skin, and she could lessen up on that makeup. But she stood up to Mamma Waldorf! That part was veryyy good. And the ending with Nate. It was adorable, and shook with envy when I realized he is like 20 something and she is 15.. 16???!!! Not fair! But she’s too skinny. Did you see how he grabbed her and pulled her back? i could have just died.

And… Dan kind of made me mad. I want Serena to be with the baby Johnny Depp. He looks like a baby Johnny Depp I tell you. And CHUCK and BLAIR almost made me cry. Almost. It was so sweet and perfect. Now I want Chuck with Vanessaaa.

So NOW tonight Dan is going to be a protective older brother and in the process should definitely wear a cardigan a la Skins. I’m SO excited. Older brothers are my favorite.



And in case of any of you care I am currently snacking on a banana and nutella. Its good, you should try it. I HAVE TO DO HOMEWORK!

oh question, has anyone here used a ouija board? My friend did and it really worked. Good stories? Bad stories? They make me nervous.

Phelps reality show– to be or not to be?

So Kitty alway provides the best information and guess what!

Michael Phelps might be getting his own reality show!

Now I for one would be particularly excited about this because this may mean a) more Debbie Phelps on TV, b) his dog on tv, and c) potentially some Ryan Lochte screen time (aren’t they supposed to be training together in Baltimore?)???? Ashton Kutcher has been linked to the project, too.

But there are some problems here.

For one, if a show was in the works, it probably would not come out for a while, and the Olympic excitement would be pretty much completely gone (unless they released it around the time of those swimming championships NBC will be airing?) so the ratings may not be so good. And he would also have to compete with the hundreds of other craptastic reality shows. But if Denise Richards could do it, why not Michael?

Also, this may be just a rumor or PR stunt. That’s an opinion swirling around his iMDB page. With a quick google search, ideas of a reality show involving Michael Phelps were being mentioned since Aug. 17th, and talks of a show with Ashton and Demi go back as far as Sep 27, so you think by now some major source would have gotten their hands on this story, even if it is just a sidenote. The biggest site I could find was Just Jared. However, I do feel like if he was approached by Demi and Ashton he would take the offer because he has pretty much done every commercial offered.

Oh and speaking of commercials look at this adorable one!

It is for the new Guitar Hero (I’m soo excited!) and besides Michael it also features the homewrecker A-Rod, cheater Kobe Bryant, and the very wholesome non-man-whore Tony Hawk in a homage to Risky Business.

Well, let’s keep our fingers crossed for a Phelps show.


Edit: Just read this Phelps story and its really cute! In US today I read Phelps was really weird and slept with a bunch of girls back at Michigan University… and then told them they could play with his medals. Ew. But read this!

ANN ARBOR (2008-10-10) This story does not involve any football players. Just two guys.

One of them is Michael Phelps. You’ve probably heard of him. He has 14 gold medals.

The other is Scotty Passink. You probably haven’t heard of him. He has cerebral palsy.

But these two have been close friends since Phelps moved to Ann Arbor four years ago.

When Scotty Passink was born, the doctors said he would never walk or talk. They told his parents to look for a place to put him.

But Scotty’s father, Pete, had captained the Michigan golf team. His mother worked as Bo Schembechler’s secretary. They are not soft. They were not going to give up.

Scotty’s surgeries started when he was two, and didn’t stop until his senior year in high school – 15 operations in all. The doctors broke his legs and reset them – twice — just so he could walk. He doesn’t walk very fast — – he goes through a pair of shoes every two or three months — and he has a hell of a time climbing stairs. But he gets there.

When Scotty was six they put him in a special classroom. One day he came home and asked his mom, Why doesn’t anybody talk? His mom said, This isn’t right, and put him in a class with the other kids. He got teased and he got shoved, but he says, It only made me tougher.

When his grades faltered a few years later, Bo Schembechler hauled him into his office. Sit down! he said, then scared him straight. It worked. Despite all the sick days, Scotty earned his diploma on time – plus a signed photo from Schembechler that said: To Scotty, The toughest guy I know.

Scotty went to Washtenaw Community College, then transferred to Michigan, where he worked as a student manager for the football team. Now he works at the UM ticket office, where I recently heard Lloyd Carr offer him a cigar. No thanks, Scotty said. Those things make me walk funny.

His closest friends include Pat Owen, who was born with a club foot but became the captain of the Michigan wrestling team – and some guy named Michael Phelps.

I don’t think Michael knows what I have, really, Scotty says. And I don’t think he cares about it. But, when I fall down, he’s right there to pick me up. Every time.

When Phelps returned to Ann Arbor to be honored at the Michigan-Wisconsin football game, he called Scotty from the airport. Meet me at the Brown Jug in thirty minutes. That night, the all-time Olympic champion told Passink how much Scotty inspired him.

The next day Owen, Passink and Phelps watched the game on the Michigan sidelines. When the fans started counting down the seconds, a police officer warned the trio that Phelps would get mobbed, and Scotty could get trampled. Phelps turned to Scotty and said, Don’t worry. I’ve got you.

When the gun sounded, Owen and Phelps picked up their buddy, and carried him off the field. If you were lucky enough to witness that moment, you would have seen three guys running across the field and up the tunnel: a wrestler with a club foot, Scotty Passink, and the best athlete in the world.

And the toughest guy was in the middle.

just a note…

This is going to be the worst World Series ever.

I can’t cheer for the Phillies beacuse what self-respecting Mets fan would do that? My mother from Philly is a little pissed about that, but honestly. I just can’t And then the RAYS! True, I’m from Florida, but they’re like… ew. And they have one shitty looking field.

oh and Swim Aids is this exciting blog about these girls who go to like every swim meet and talk to all the swimmers and I’m so jealous of them. They’re not groupies… they’re aids. Like in Almost Famous.


Update: THE BACKSTREET BOYS sang the national anthem! But Kevin isn’t with them anymore. Sad. I want an N*Sync reunion, but Justin’s super fame ruins those chances.

well hey there.

You know what is really weird? Right when I typed the title of this post (about a picture of Michael Phelps) a commercial with Michael Phelps came on! Crazy

He has really been whoring himself out.


Anyway! I found this picture (why haven’t I seen it before?) and Phelps looks suprisingly good so I will share.

This works.
This works well for him.

Doesn’t he look good? Really good.

Oh and to add to your collection of our favorite Olympic bromance–

ryan lochte and michael phelps

And here are some things I stole from people on xanga and livejournal for you, kids. They said no hotlinking… I think I hotlinked.

Michael&Ryanryanlochte7ryan lochte

ryan lochte

yes he did.




and while I am randoming searching through pages of things

ew, Sandeno

very similar tattoo! Its Adam Sioui and I have no clue who that is, but he went to UF too. I guess its a UF thing.




Good lord I need a LIFE!

Another look at the Lochte Phelps relationship.

I found these a little while ago! Finally decided to post them.













they’re were more, but I don’t know where they went so… yeah, two.

For the original Phelps/Lochte relationship, click THIS!

We can get our swimmer fixes in 2009!

Weren’t you all worried you would not be able to see our favorite swimmer’s and their torsos for another four years (and a swimmer I know even said Eamon might not be there!)?

Well, we have something to get us through.

I guess this is old news (like… month old news) but NBC will be broadcasting the swimming world championships until the next summer Olympics. This is probably because NBC wants to milk Michael for all he’s worth. They obviously would not have picked this up without the Phelps.

Now we will get our swimming fixes without having to have multiple interuptions for gymnastics.

 And for all of those airplane commercials with Michael Phelps…

This one I posted a little while ago on Perez. Highlight would be the torso.

Then we have this one. Phelps sings Don’t Stop Believin’ very strangely.

And then the prank one, with adorable smile.

I would also like to know why Ryan Lochte isn’t doing any talk shows.

pictures, pictures, pictures.

Well, not that many.

awkward suit, Lochte. Pretty sure this was at fashion week.

Ryan, you were just too adorable at the NYSE.

And Jason Lezak on Coooonan Oooo’Brieeeen! He has a really good personality, actually. I wish he was my uncle. And he admits that the French and US swimmers really didn’t like each other outside the Watercube either. Well, he just says that they aren’t friends, but I bet there were many a dirty looks in the Olympic Village.

Conan tends to be really awkward with his guests, but I think this one was really good.\


Edit: I’ve just been told Lochte was golfing in Ocala today. I’ve been watching the news so I don’t know how I missed that update, but just in case you have been avidly stalking him I wanted to give you a heads up.

anddd its almost Friday.

I want this week to be over right nowwww. Worst week of my life (and it could have been the best!)

Anyway, besides the fact that I got to sleep until 4:45 pm today after a brief stint at school, Ian Crocker’s hair in this video has probably been the highlight of my week. It’s so… Ellen DeGeneres. (Edit: I think its broken now. You guys are missing out.)

This one is pretty dull, but skip to like…2:20. “Jeah” must be how all the swimmers communicate to each other now.

and if you’re really bored…

I can’t believe I just watched that whole thing, but I was so mesmerized. Skip to 3:07 for an awkward Lochte moment. And I’m am still insanely jealous of Stephanie Rice.


blehhhh, I hate colds, Juniorettes, due dates, and lost opportunities.


This is a MAJOR rant.

I COULD HAVE SKIPPED AND WENT TO DAYTONA TODAY! Do you know why??? Ryan Lochte, the love of my life, was there meeting fans. Uh yeah, he was meeting people like me! And do you know where I was? At school.

And do you think I would be smart enough to actually keep track of these things? NO! So now I am going to throw up because I missed my golden opportunity to seduce Ryan Lochte and marry him. I missed it.

This, which could have been the BEST day of my life, is now the worst. Oh my God, I could just go die!


He was 15 minutes away from me ALL DAMN DAY!


What the hell kind of Olympic obsessor am I if I can’t even get this information??? I have completely failed.

RLM sent me a comment about it. AND I DIDN’T KNOW!


And if you want to see pictures THAT AREN’T MINE BECAUSE I WASN’T THERE click here. There are some of him at the Max Azria fashion show, NYSE, and the Olympics, too.

Ryan Lochte with his father Steve Lochte seated behind him as he speaks at a celebration in Ryan's honor. Ryan, a Port Orange resident and former Spruce Creek High School and UF swimmer is given a honored at the Daytona Beach Oceanfront Bandshell, Daytona Beach.

I could have seen that!!!

Ryan Lochte stands for the National Anthem at a celebration in his honor. Ryan, a Port Orange resident and former Spruce Creek High School and UF swimmer is honored at the Daytona Beach Oceanfront Bandshell after returning from the Beijing Olympics with four medals.

Yeah, do you know how pissed at myself I am?


Edit: I had to call just about everyone I know about this. I am SO upset I want to cry. He looked so good, too. Omg, really good. And you know what is really funny… Someone told me a few days ago I was like that girl on the Michael Phelps commercial that said “One day I’ll look back at this and laugh… OR CRY!” Well guess what? Now I am completely that girl. I CAN NOT believe I couldn’t have just checked my comments last night. omg, WHY did I decide to be a good student last night?

Oh… and some kid heard about my freak out and was like “Oh that’s cool… His dad is my club coach.” Yeah way to help out and rub your Lochte connections in my face!